Friday, March 29, 2013


Check out these AWESOME opportunities!!!

Aerogramme Writer's Studio, a popular writing blog based in Australia, just published a post with prizes, publication opportunities, and other events happening in April 2013 for emerging and established writers. 

Keep Calm and Just WriteThe Horatio Nelson Fiction Prize
opens to entries on 1 April. Conducted by Black Balloon Publishing, the winner will receive a book deal including US$5,000 up front. The prize is for unpublished manuscripts of 50,000 words or more.
William Callihan of Waxman Leavell Literary Agency
is seeking new clients. He is particularly interested in narrative non-fiction, comedy, pop culture, American history, crime and commercial thrillers, literary fiction.
The Sherwood Anderson Foundation Grants
for emerging writers offers up to US$20,000 to a person who has written at least one but no more than two published books of fiction. NB: An entry fee of $100 in payable. Closes 1 April.
Penn State Altoona
is seeking to appoint a fiction and creative non-fiction writer for a one semester residency. The residency offers an emerging writer a salary of $10,000 in return for teaching one introduction to creative writing workshop during the Fall semester. Review of applications will begin on 1 April and continue until the position is filled.
Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading
publishes one story a week and opens for submissions on 1 April. During the spring submission period only previously unpublished work will be considered. Fiction ranging in length from 2,000 to 10,000 words will be considered and each contributor is paid US$300.
Paulo Coelho
is conducting a live chat on Goodreads on Tuesday 2 April. A great chance to ask the best-selling Brazilian novelist a question or two.
The Text Prize for Young Adult and Children’s Writingis for unpublished works of fiction or non-fiction of at least 20,000 words. Entries close 3 April (Australian entrants only). The winner will receive a publishing contract worth AUD$10,000.
The AV Club
is looking for contributors. Interested applicants should submit a sample Newswire or GJI style entry. Closes Thursday 4 April.
Beijing International Screenwriting Competition
is open to all US-based contestants of any nationality. Entries for the feature film division close on 7 April. Five winners will get an expenses-paid week in Beijing plus $1,000.  Entries for the Short Film Competition close 20 April. Ten winners will receive an expense-paid week in Beijing. All winners are then in the running for a US$15,000 grand prize.
Open City Creative Non-fiction Fellows
will each be awarded US$5,000 and receive career guidance, and publishing opportunities. Open City is an online magazine published by the Asian American Writers’ Workshop. Applications close 8 April. Fellowships start in New York City on 30 April.
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Don and Gee Nicholl Fellowships
award up to five aspiring screenwriters with fellowships of US$35,000. The regular entry deadline is 10 April, though late entries will be accepted until 1 May (additional fees apply). The fellowships are open to writers worldwide.
The Writers’ Couch
is a new initiative from Cascade Media which invites writers to pitch feature film projects. To apply you must have completed a feature-length screenplay for the project you wish to pitch; be over the age of 18; live in the UK; and not have literary representation. Applications close 15 April.
The Aurora Awards
recognises the best Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy writing. Categories include best novel, best short fiction and best graphic novel. Nominations close 15 April.
Monash Undergraduate Prize for Creative Writing
is open to undergraduate students from universities from across Australia (including international campuses of Australian universities). First prize is AUD$4,000. The winner will also receive tickets to the 2013 Emerging Writers’ Festival and a paid publication opportunity in The Emerging Writer. Entries close 15 April.
Writing II: Rhetorical Composing
is a free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) conducted by Ohio State University. The course focuses on developing and refining critical reading, composing, responding, and argument skills. The program commences on 22 April.
How to Write a Synopsis Workshop
is a one-day event being conducted by The Guardian newspaper in London on Saturday 27 April. Check the website for other workshops being conducted throughout the year.
The Nick Darke Award
celebrates the best writing for stage, screen and radio, awarding the winner £6,000 to allow them to complete their script. Open to all writers aged over 16, interested applicants  should submit an outline of their story idea (theatre, radio play, feature film, short film) in 750 words suggesting character, plot and structure and pitch it in 25 words or less. The deadline for submissions is 29 April.
Tom Howard/John H. Reid Short Story Contestcloses to entries on 30 April. Open to any type of original short story, essay or other work of prize, the winner receives US$3,000 (plus there are minor prizes). Entries should be maximum of 5,000 words.
Henry Hazlitt Contest for Business Fiction
offers a prize of $500 and a $2,000 advance against royalties for publication. The prize is given for a novel on the theme of business or entrepreneurship. Manuscripts up to 90,000 words are eligible. Closes 30 April.
Random House Australia’s Hooked 
is a new digital-first romance imprint for readers aged 15+. Hooked is currently considering manuscripts between 60,000 – 80,000 words. Authors who are published will receive a standard royalty. Submissions must be received by 30 April.
St. Francis College Literary Prizeis accepting entries throughout April (closing 1 May). The Prize awards a mid-career author US$50,000 for their 3rd to 5th novel.
The Iowa Summer Writing Festival
held on the campus of the famous Iowa Writers’ Workshop offers an extensive program of weekend and one-week writing courses. The festival runs between 9 June and 28 July. Workshops are limited to 12 persons each and early registration is encouraged.
Pan Macmillan Australia’s Manuscript Monday
accepts unsolicited manuscript submissions between 10am and 4pm AEST every Monday. Types of works they are looking for include commercial fiction, children’s books and young adult, literary fiction and non-fiction. Interested authors should sent three chapters of their manuscript and a synopsis of up to 300 words. Manuscripts will be read within three months.
Soho Press
is one of few American publishers which does put a priority on unsolicited manuscripts from new writers. Interested authors should send three chapters (or fifty pages) and a cover letter to the attention of the acquisitions editor.

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